One of the oldest and most fun wedding traditions for the Bride to follow is the old adage:
"Something old,
something new,
something borrowed,
something blue,
and a silver sixpence in her shoe!"
This saying is very English, (the sixpence is a silver coin worth six pennies), and many think it dates back to Victorian times. So, it's a cute little poem, but what the heck does it mean? Every item represents good luck, fidelity, prosperity and love in one form or another. Something old represents something from your past life that you're bringing into you're new marriage. Something new represents the new bond your fiance and you are forming in marriage. Something borrowed is preferably from your Mother or an older sister, ideally passing on their happiness onto your marriage. Something blue represents fidelity, honesty and prosperity, (beliefs from the Roman and then early Christian times). And the silver sixpence was something English brides used to do in wishing for wealth, success and happiness.
One of the reasons this tradition is still carried out today is because it still applies to today. Couples still hope for everlasting love and happiness with their future bride or groom; people still want to believe in love conquering all. What I like most about this tradition is that it shows how every relationship in your life can be loving and supportive, not just the relationship with your significant other.
You might borrow your mother's veil or your grandmother's broach for your wedding day. Your dad might give you a necklace that belonged to his grandmother generations ago, which would qualify as old and new because it is new to you. When I bought my Vera Wang at Andrisen Morton's in Denver, Colorado, the sweet bridal consultant told me not to worry about my, "something blue." I inquisitively asked what she meant and she just smiled. "Don't worry about it my dear, you'll find out in due time." I am not a very patient girl and I thought about it often until my wedding day when I was putting my dress on. One of my bridesmaids said, "Aww, Christy that is so sweet!" I looked down and there was a delicate Tiffany blue ribbon sewn into the inside of my dress. These are the fun moments of weddings and marriage.
Many brides and grooms today will give each other a gift on their wedding day. My Maid of Honor who happens to be my twin sister as well, bravely ventured into the Groom's room where all of the groomsmen where waiting for the ceremony to start at the church and gave him a watch from me. My husband, Pete, only wears the watch on special occasions but he loves it because it is sentimental. I, on the other hand, had received my special wedding day gift weeks before we got married.
There were two beautiful contemporary chairs from Pier 1 which I had my eye on for my home office. Every time decorating our new home came up in conversation, those chairs were the first thing on my mind. My husband was always quick to change the conversation topic, as the chairs were not in our price range. But on Easter Sunday, we were eating at one of our favorite breakfast spots in Colorado Springs, "Western Omelette" when it happened. Pete was eating his usual breakfast chimichanga smothered in green chili. For those of you who have never had green chili, the word HOT does not begin to do this satanic food justice. At Western Omelette they make their green chili out of habaneros, and as my husband and his buddies love to say, "It burns twice!" To make a long story short, I am a plain jane when it comes to food, my tongue does not like spicy anything. Well, my beloved Pier 1 office chairs came up in conversation and my wonderful husband came up with a spiteful plan. "Have you ever seen that Food Network show, Man v. Food? Well, if you can eat this small bowl of green chili and not drink anything for five minutes afterwards, then I will get you the Pier 1 chairs as your wedding gift." My husband and his best friend, Jon, exchange knowing looks, they think there is no chance I would attempt such a feat. Much to their surprise, I take a huge spoonful and lift it to my mouth... freak out, and put it right back in the bowl where it came from. After the initial bravery wears off, twenty minutes pass. At this point pretty much the whole restaurant knows the battle royal going on at our table. The waitress comes to refill our drinks and gives me an encouraging boost of confidence.
Finally, Pete says, "Alright, if you don't eat the chili in the next two minutes, the deal is off the table." I don't know what came over me, but all I could think about was how perfectly those chairs would compliment my nice new desk and pretty black filing cabinets; I scarfed the green chili down before anyone could say another word. Pete and Jon just stared blankly at me, as if it didn't happen. "START THE TIMER!" I squealed, every microscopic part of my lips and mouth that the habanero had touched was on FIRE. The time ticked slowly by with taunts from the boys about how thirsty I must be... At last, the bet was over, I had won, I sipped on my chocolate milk and smiled politely at my dismayed husband. "Victory is mine! Lets go get those chairs, babe!" The three of us drive up to Pier 1, something is off, there are no cars in the parking lot. Then it hits us, every business is closed on Easter Sunday... I would have to wait for my "Something New"!!
What is the lesson here? There are a million and ten ways to spice up your relationship, and make the wedding planning process fun! You don't have to follow every wedding tradition just as every other bride does. It is very easy to personalize your wedding and make it memorable :)
Cute idea for a blog! xx
ReplyDeletethank you very much!