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Watch the beverage, man!

White Russian, Katrina style:

1 part Kahlua
2 parts Vodka
1 part Light Cream or Milk
1 part Frangelico (Hazelnut Liqueur)

-Mix Vodka, Frangelico & Kahlua over optional ice cubes
-Pour cream or milk over concoction
-Mix, if desired... then drink

A... B... C... Easy as 1... 2... 3...

Fun Variations:
-Try Godiva Vodka or Vanilla Vodka
-Any type of coffee liqueur is yummy, Kahlua flavors all mix well

This is a great signature beverage for Cocktail Hours or Reception Bars. It is a great after dinner choice because it has a nice coffee/cream taste, without being too coffee-ish. Some only enjoy this cocktail during the Winter months, but we smart people know that it is spectacular year around ;)


  1. I assume you mean Hurricane Katrina...because I'd be on my roof screaming after drinking a couple of these. (Always the mark of a successful concoction, in my book...)

    ;-) Anna

  2. I concur! & I do mean Katrina of the severe weather persuasion :)
